Lesson 4 of 12

Cemil Bey ile Sabri Bey

Sabri Bey balkonda çiceklerine bakıyor. Cemil Bey de dairesinde pencereden dışarıyı izliyor. Selamlaşıp konuşuyorlar.

Cemil Bey and Sabri Bey

Sabri Bey is on his balcony taking care of his flowers. Cemil Bey is in his flat looking out the window. They greet each other and begin to chat.


Slow Audio

Center for Near Eastern Studies
10286 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1480
Tel: 310-825-1181
Email: cnes@international.ucla.edu
UCLA International Institute
11387 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487
Tel: 310-206-2654
Email: info@international.ucla.edu