Lesson 6 of 12

bakar mısınız?: would you [please] look [here]?

buyrun: here it is, please take it

zahmet olmak: to inconvenience oneself (may be used to thank someone who does you a favor)

estağfurullah: not at all, don't mention it (said in reply to an expression of thanks)

bulaşık eldiveni: dishwashing gloves

kalmak: (here

şuradan: from over there

bakkal: grocer, grocery store

almak: to take, to buy, to get

derhal: immediately

ne demek: (here

Center for Near Eastern Studies
10286 Bunche Hall
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Tel: 310-825-1181
Email: cnes@international.ucla.edu
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Tel: 310-206-2654
Email: info@international.ucla.edu