Lesson 6 of 12

iyi günler: good day

iki: two

süt: milk

istemek: to want

yetmek: to be enough

şişe: bottle

büyük hanım: old lady

tontoş: darling, sweetie, dear

içerse: if [they] drink

bitti: finished, done with

bundan sonra: after this

tek: only, solely, one

başüstüne: with pleasure, at your service

ne derseniz: whatever you say

Center for Near Eastern Studies
10286 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1480
Tel: 310-825-1181
Email: cnes@international.ucla.edu
UCLA International Institute
11387 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487
Tel: 310-206-2654
Email: info@international.ucla.edu