Lesson 12 of 12

birşey: something

getirmek: to bring

istemek: to want

teyzeciğim: my dear (maternal) aunt (can be used to address older women)

Allahaısmarladık: goodbye

nereye: where (to)

Alamanya (Almanya): Germany

atışmak gibi olmasın: (I hope) it doesn't look like quarreling

Münih: Munich

gelişme kursu: development course

güzel kızlar: beautiful girls

kurs: course

hadi (haydi): come on, all right

bırak: let go, quit

şimdi: now

bekletmek: to make (someone) wait

annenler: your mother and your whole family

vedalaşmak: to say good-bye to each other, to say farewell to each other

evlâdım: my child!, my son!, my daughter!

yumuşak yumuşak: sofly, gently, tenderly

yıkanmak: to wash oneself, to bathe oneself, to take a bath

köpüklü köpüklü: all sudsy, all bubbly

öpmek: to kiss

Center for Near Eastern Studies
10286 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1480
Tel: 310-825-1181
Email: cnes@international.ucla.edu
UCLA International Institute
11387 Bunche Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1487
Tel: 310-206-2654
Email: info@international.ucla.edu